Exploring New Career Paths: A Step-by-Step Guide

In 2020, one-third of the U.S. workforce changed or lost their jobs. For the first time, established professionals were removed from their workplace norms and given the space needed to reflect on the reality of their work-life balance. Away from the regularity of commutes, daily stand-ups, and a never-ending to-do list, many found themselves facing a stark realisation – I do not like my job. Much like grief, this discovery of dissatisfaction can come with a wave of emotions. Denial. Anger. Fear. Panic. Bargaining. We balance the desire for internal fulfilment with external factors such as income, dependents, and stability.

Many, including myself, began to question where their current career trajectory was taking them…and if it was too late to change it. Since then, the World has changed drastically. Remote and Hybrid job options have been integrated into the norm, previously high-demand careers are in hiring freezes, and more people are looking for ways to monetise their passion than ever before. The trend of Career Shifting may have risen from the extreme conditions of the pandemic, but in 2024 it doesn’t look to be going away.

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